Creative writing!

I was casually walking around the Olympic stadium when, out of the blue came the volleyball team and they mistake me, as one of their teammates! I don’t know what to do! I’ve never played volleyball in my life! I scream as they carry me away to the court.” I’m not your teammate”! I scream at the top of my lungs. They don’t listen to me, “ how rude”, I said to myself.

All of a sudden the angry volleyball giants start running, they start running really fast, then, they stop. I thought I could take this  opportunity to run away but, the biggest volleyball player ( the captain) had a firm grip on me. As I turn around I see that we’re at the entrance of the court.

The team slowly walks into the room, waving left and right. Finally, we get to our side of the court and they put me down. I ran away but the team manager stopped  me before I could get out of the court.  “Listen Mindy”, he said, “Mindy?” I said in a very confused voice. The manager pushes me to our side of the court and I stay there, knowing it’s no use running away again.

The game has started and luckily for me, I didn’t have to touch the ball once. Then, unfortunately the ball came straight towards me! I close my eyes, turn my head, and hit the ball. I open my eyes and I can see the crowd cheering, then I look in front of me at the clock  then the score 30-29. The clock counts down 5,4,3,2,1,0, we won! We go to the podium and receive our medals. This is the best day ever! On the car ride home I hide the medal, it’ll be my little secret. The end!

Image result for clipart free olympic rings

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